Welcome to The LifeCurve

Enjoy a fitter and fuller later life, staying in control in ways that suit you.

The LifeCurve can reduce the ways in which getting older limits our livesReduce the ways in which getting older limits our lives

How does it work?

Specialists discovered that most of us age in a similar way, losing our everyday abilities one task at a time. When they plotted this decline on a graph, it clearly made a line: a line we call The LifeCurve. 

The great news is that those same specialists also discovered that the starting age and the speed of decline is largely down to us. With simple changes to our routines and lifestyles, we can control how well we age and stay in control for longer.

We can literally change the shape of our LifeCurve.

15 Daily Activities

Cutting Toenails

Can you or would you be able to reach your feet and cut your toenails?


Can you use a local shop independently for small purchases?

Using steps

Are you able to go up and down stairs and steps with or without a handrail?

Walking 400 yards

Can you walk a quarter of a mile (400 yards) without a walking aid e.g. a stick or frame?

Heavy housework

Can you do your housework such as laundry, vacuuming, and changing your bed?

Full wash

Are you able to wash yourself e.g. have a bath, shower or strip wash?

Cook a hot meal

Can you prepare and cook a hot meal for yourself?

Moving around

Are you able to get around indoors (not including your steps/stairs) without a walking aid e.g a stick or frame?

Transfer from a chair

Are you able to get in and out of an easy chair or sofa independently?

Light housework

Can you do the dusting, tidying, washing up and light cleaning?

Transfer from toilet

Can you use the toilet independently, including cleaning yourself and managing your clothing?

Get Dressed

Are you able to dress and undress yourself without help?

Transfer from bed

Are you able to get in and out of bed?

Wash face and hands

Are you able to independently wash your hands and face and clean your teeth?

Eat Independently

Can you feed yourself with finger food or use cutlery?

The LifeCurve app takes all our knowledge and turns it into a brilliant everyday mobile tool.

Use the app for tips about doing well as you get older. Find suitable facilities to help your progress or discover groups you can join for support. 

Best of all, chart your improvement as you beat The LifeCurve and reap the rewards, because ageing better is what this app is all about.

What does your LifeCurve look like?

Download the app and take
our two-minute test.
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